Monday 27 July 2009

My Lfe's Work

It feels impossible to make headway. How do I get my Life's Work done? How do I know what that is?

My Life's Work involves painting, and thinking, and writing, and talking. All expressive things, all about Giving Out. It amounts to Me Doing My Thing Without Hitches.

The effect of My Life's Work involves everyone sitting down with a bump with the sheer splendour of what I am offering them. It involves ladies feeling faint and taking out lacey fans to fan themselves, and strong men feeling the need to go and stand alone on the veranda and take deep breaths. Oh and it involves Like Minded People shaking my hand and saying with their eyes,boring deeply into mine, So That's What It's All About. And offering me a week at the Albert Hall to a sell out audience to show my Paintings and Explain What I Mean By It All.

How to get there? Well, I am in my studio doing lots and lots of paper work. I am not the Great One today. I am the back room office girl, looking things up and sending things off and turning the pages of Factual Books with very small print and no pictures. I am working out the Next Step. I am trying not to go on Facebook. I am wading through lists of Ideas and Things To Be Done (before taking The Next Step) (Whatever That Is). I am gazing at the rain and grateful that the hammock is no temptation to me today. I am wondering if 12 year old son will remember my promise to make him a big cooked breakfast, and whether 16 year old son has any more ideas on how I should run my life and where I have gone wrong.

Well. Today I will do the following.

  • Pack up and send two prints to a lovely lady who wants them. Anyone who wants what I do is Lovely and needs to be worshipped.
  • This blog. I will reveal to the world that I am as usual, wondering how I got here.
  • Finish my Jesus on the Tube promotion poster and put it up in at least one place. Not my kitchen, somewhere public.
  • Finish my Summer Art Sessions for Blocked Creatives poster and put it up where I don't get loonies applying
  • Feed the 12 year old his breakfast and ask the 16 year old to be concise when cornering me about Where I Am Going Wrong And What I Should Do.

Today seems grey and full of effort. Tomorrow is another story completely. I shall spend all of tomorrow painting and that is always A Good Thing.

Here, before I go, is a miracle. 16 Year Old Son has just asked me if I want a cup of tea. Now I need to sit down with bump and fan my self with a lacey fan.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. Having all the same thoughts myself. Off to try some more flowers now. The posters for the Summer Art programme sound good, and JOTT. Maybe you could bring some of those to Brighton on Wednesday and we could see if we can find places to display them?
