Saturday 2 January 2010

A Brief Note Today for the website on A Graceful Death Exhibition, next venue London in February. Keep checking for details. for my website to email me

Just A Brief Note

It doesn't feel like the end of Christmas, or the the beginning of 2010. It feels like all days have merged into one long dayandnight and there is going to be a hell of a job to separate the two and start living in the real world again. 16 Year Old Son is going to college again on Tuesday, and 13 Year Old Son doesn't go back till the 11 Jan, so by the middle of the month we should all have remembered to go to bed at night, wake in the morning and do Structured and Appropriate things during the day. At the moment I only vaguely remember Routine, only have the most passing of memories of Timetables. It seems I have relaxed so much that I don't really care very much any more about anything more pressing than how long it takes to boil the kettle for more tea and get the cake from the larder.

However, folks, however. All this will end by the 11 January. At that point, on that day, at about 9am, I will be a power house of ideas and action again. (Again?) A light will be seen glowing and pulsing around my studio, and nervous Bognor folk will touch their forelocks and say Ah. She Has Had An Idea. She Is In Full Throttle. And from the studio will come Wondrous Things and the world will say, Well. Whaddya Know. She's Done It Again.

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